Sunday, 10 July 2011

Down and dirty with the wildlife

I like photography I do. Mainly because a couple of months ago, I purchased a new Canon Powershot S95 which takes shots that not even I can screw up. In fact, the camera is that good, that I'm almost starting to convince myself that I have got talent.

Anyway, this weekend, I found myself with a spare hour and, inspired by my talented bloggy friends (Jim from Ocean Breezes, Jewell from Really?! Wait! What?, Ron from Sophie's View, and Pete from Mannanan's Cloak, I decided to partake in some wildlife photography.

I opened the back door and went into the garden. To be honest there wasn't much going on and after 15 minutes, I started to get a bit bored. Just as I was on the verge of going back into the house to stuff my face with pistachio cookies, my patience paid off (now I know how David Attenborough feels).

A bird landed a few feet away from me ..............................  and even better, it was an action shot because the bird had a worm in it's mush.

Pic.No 1 A bird with a worm in it's mush. It was eyeing me suspiciously but I don't know why, I mean, what would I do with a worm?

After the excitement of my first 'action shot', some adrenalin nearly coursed through my veins and I hunted for my next subject.

Ten minutes later came the coup d'etat. I had spotted a brightly coloured butterfly warming itself upon the flagstones of my patio. I got down on my belly and slowly elbowed my way towards it with my camera poised. I got within 3 feet of the insect and zoomed in to take this shot ....................

Pic.No.2 A colourful butterfly sunning itself on my patio

I was pretty pleased with myself and jumped to my feet and whooped at bit. And then I noticed that the butterfly hadn't moved.

'Strange,' I thought to myself as I edged in closer to the recumbent bug. It became apparent fairly quickly that the butterfly was in fact an ex-butterfly ........ and for some reason had decided to perish on my patio.

At first I was consumed with disappointment, but then I had an idea. I would capitalise upon the fact that the butterfly was more pliable in it's deceased state.

Pic.No.3 A butterfly going for a ride on a Fire Engine

I am hoping to start a trend called 'alternative wildlife photos'. Do you have any that you would like to contribute?

So dahlink, what have you been up to this weekend?

Annie (Lady m) x
Tell me what you think by leaving me a comment otherwise you will bang your head on a low beam. Oh, and whilst you are here, please can you press the Facebook 'like' button on my right hand side bar? Cheers muchly

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