Friday, 6 July 2012

This is randomer than Brownian Motion

"Who the blazes are you?" I hear you cry.

I know, I know - it's been a while since my last blog post. It's not that I don't love you or anything, it's just that things have really been hotting up behind the scenes.

Really, it's hotter than Paris Hilton's grundies round here, and I promise to tell you all about it when I can. But at the moment, I have to keep it secret squirrel because if I did tell you, I would have to immediately kill you with an air-to-surface missile (which is already mounted on my chimney in Forest Hill). BOOM! It'd be worse than a bad hair day.

So dahlink, for the time being, my posts are going to be a little more sporadic than usual, but please bear with me and remember; it is almost as good as a plate of foie gras washed down with a glass of Bolly when you stop by and say hello.

Anyway, enough of that, and back to the matters in hand: I managed to find time to download this week's content from my camera (yes the trusty Canon S95) today, and it all turned out a bit random.

But because I am kinder than Mother Theresa, but without helping as many orphans, I have got the pictures here for you to look at ...........

Pic.No.1 A couple of bee things were buzzing around the blue flowers next to my back door

Pic.No.2 A close-up of one of the aforementioned bees. I watched it for ages and it didn't have a systematic plan for choosing which flower to visit

Pic.No.3 For some bizarre reason, Izzy has started drinking her milk like a cat

Pic.No.4 Izzy got a holiday gift from her friend this week - A traditional seaside present of  'Rock' (do you have that in the US?). I tried one piece and it glued my jaw together for 47 minutes

Pic.No.5 Bloody nora! Upon closer examination, I think I've discovered the unhealthiest food ever known to man. I challenge you to find a food that is unhealthier than 'Rock' ..... I mean, it even comes with a kid's health warning. Should I feed it to her in the morning so that she is bouncing for school? Can you submit a food that is unhealthier than this? CHALLENGE ON!

Then earlier this week, I picked Izzy up from school, and as usual, booted her out into the garden to get some fresh air. She immediately ran to her trampoline, and did some boucing, as is her wont. Then after about 30 minutes I noticed that she had gone still and silent (very unusual) ........... I went out to investigate ............

Pic.No. 6 "Mum!" she shouted, "I've found this fly on my trampoline, and I think it has got a broken leg."

Pic.No.7 She spent 13 minutes looking after the fly with the broken leg (with me trying to be sympathetic), before lobbing it into the grass and carrying on with her bouncing

Then on top of the photographs, I found two videos that I had made ...... looky here......

Vid.No.1 (18 seconds) This is what the weather has been like in the UK so far this summer

Vid.No.2 This is a snail drinking water (20 seconds). I did it because I want to launch a 'who can record the most boring video' competition, and this is my entry

So dahlink, can you record a video more boring than mine? If you can, please upload the video to YouTube and paste the link here.

P.S. What are you up to this weekend?


  1. Michele Lohr6 July 2012 21:57

    I'm a little jealous of your video of the rain!! It's been hovering around 100 degrees for the past few weeks in Maryland with nooooo rain, just heat lightening. Tomorrow they said it's going to be 103! This is NOT normal around here and there are a bunch of people without power for a while now. Send some rain my way!!

  2. The whole middle part of the U.S. is jealous as we need rain badly. It is supposed to be 107 in Kansas City tomorrow and no rain in sight.
    That Izzy is just so cute... We don't have that type of candy. Here rock candy lookes like quartz rocks. That looks more like our boiled taffy that is sometimes cut into pieces.

  3. Can's top the boring snail.. that was boring.. strangely this was the link at the bottom of the post now that was a car!

  4. I am def. not jealous of your rain... I have been sharing it on a regular basis!
    In the interests of your further naming of plants, your blue flower is Geranium " Johnson's Blue" next time you go to an open garden you have one plant you can talk knowledgeably about. Yes I had noticed you being somewhat tardy in the blog writing.......I missed you. Great pics of Izzy and the fly.

  5. Ooops, sorry for being tardy! Wow, you know your flowers don't you? I shall remember that so I can impress the dears in the village.

    The rain is a pain isn't it?


  6. See, I am a master of boring videos. I shall have a look a the link .......... actually I can't find it ..... I think the links at the bottom rotate.


  7. Why won't this publish? It must be me being a joey


  8. No way, you are wishing for rain? I wish I could send you some of ours. Taffy is it? Sounds pretty similar to the rock. Minging!


  9. Aaah, I see a theme emerging - it seems that visitors from across the pond are wishing for rain, whilst the Englishes can't wait to get rid of it! I LOVE the lightening storms you have over there - they are so much better than the weedy ones we get here ;-)


  10. Nick Riches7 July 2012 20:36

    I will find something really boring, maybe a toenail growing? As for this weekend, last night was spent watching Alice in Wonderland. Big softy you say? Well this was a dark version, interactive, visiting rooms to find the story, in a similar vein to the Punch Drunk theatre. Not every day you get taken through a medieval building by a zombie Alice! If I didn't know that my son was playing the Mad Hatter (in a straight jacket) I'd be well scared. Needless to say my daughter has gone back again the Cheshire Cat says "we're all mad in Wonderland, even you".

  11. Love love love the snail video! You may have started something here Annie! Our snails are way more timid than yours!
    Oh, you can keep your rain....we get a bit of both sun and the wet stuff so far this summer. Thanks anyway!.
    I know what Izzy's going to be when she grows up! A veterinarian!!! Hope NG survives to reap the benefits!!
    That 'Rock\ looks disgusting! And look at all that artificial colour!! Poor Izzy.....
    I am sure Izzy is growing through a 'phase' that most? children do wanting to be cats.....but just in case......
    I LOVE that flower.....we call it a perennial Geranium here because it dies back in the winter and comes back all by itself in spring....a beauty you have there!
    So good to have you back Annie and whatever your secret is have a blast doing whatever you are doing.

  12. Paris Hilton's grundies? What the hell are grundies? Is that like knickers? Oh you and your making up words...

  13. Well, now I'm just all intrigued. And a fly with a broken leg? That Izzy is a riot. What? No photos of Naughty George?

  14. oh boy you have too much time on your hands :)


  15. Well, I can't resist your challenge - here's a video of laundry drying:

  16. But I don't. Ummm ...... maybe I should lay off filming snails drinking .......!


  17. The fly is part of this thing she has got about caring for animals! Crikey, yes you are right - I need some pics of the git! I shall try and sneak some in this week ;-)


  18. You don't know grundies? For sure they are knickers. They call 'em grundies oop north where everyone marries a relative. I love the word grundies!


  19. Well Rachel, I have to say that you made me laugh my head off! That indeed was a truly boring video. But it had a redeeming feature - the washing was steaming! How bally hot is it where you are?!!

  20. Awww thanks Jim, I love it when you stop round, and sorry I haven't had as much time to pop by yours as I would like. I will email you the details of the secret squirred project when I get chance ;-)

    You've got sun? I am gutted ...... I hate suffering on my own! I knew you would know the name of the flower ..... you are so good with stuff like that! Hope things are going well round your end.

  21. Woah, that sounds bloody macabre! Was it a game rather than a film? No wonder your daughter disappeared, you must have freaked her out. But hell, it sounds GREAT FUN! I want a go ;-)

  22. I confess, this video is from ages ago - I just came across it while I was looking through old pictures the other day. It's way too cold and wet to put washing out at the moment.

  23. LOL - that is superbly boring! Where did you get your inspiration from?!


  24. Alejandro Guzman12 July 2012 10:38


  25. Why thank you! [Takes a flourishing bow]



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